Healthful MD blog click here

Healthful MD is the art of practicing good health. Not just being healthy which is your status at any one moment, but how you live, how you breath, how your health affects everyone else, and how your health affects the world. Healthful is a verb - its the work of attaining health , the evolution , the struggle, the collective  effect it has on your life,  your children, and place to live in this world. Being healthful is being mindful of how your effort to practice good health starts with what's on your fork but has an influence well beyond ...

HealthfulMD Inc. - guidance and advocacy for today's health conscious world . Our goal is to integrate a healthful approach to all aspects of personal, medical, corporate, and business life. We bring health and wellness expertise through consults, analysis, guidance, education, evaluation, and coaching.

Healthful MD  all access program:

Including engagement through Text,email,skype, whatsapp and facetime video Consultations.

Concierge Health programs with consultations, coaching, and guidance for your convenience to assist with weight management, disease management, and health improvement.

Business and corporate concierge liaison , with health coaching, creative healthful direction, group and team approach to healthier staff and products.

Website and blog for guidance and information for the most common natural treatments

Portal for registered participants to have easy access to tools.

HealthfulMD seal of approval for healthy ingredients that improve health.

Our health and our world health is generally decided by others : by major corporations, by the developer where we purchased our house, the school where we send our children, the church we attend, the gas we purchase, and the food we buy at the supermarket. Most of our selections have been prepackaged for us. We have been gambling with our health by automatically choosing our lot in life based on pre assembled choices without attention to the details of environment or health. Only after we become ill or we see some expose on the news about toxins in the water or poison on the playground do we wake up momentarily and consider a change but end up more likely with merely an observation.  It is much easier to be blissfully ignorant to go back to automatic and assume the developer or corporation providing for convenience and better cost containment for our lives have done their due diligence. Not placed our house on a toxic dump, or used harmful chemicals to process our food. But we all are forced to learn the hard way through bad neighbors, poor gas mileage, and recalls on food. In this evolving consciousness we are developing an awareness of the relationship of what we consume and use in our life to how it affects everything else on earth. We are well aware, that gas mileage of cars make a substantial difference on the environment. That is personal,and at some level we acknowledge that the car we drive has an effect on the environment causing greenhouse effect with global warming. Of course even this easy association is often merely economically transient  as witnessed with lowering of gas prices and its correlation with the increase in mega truck guzzler sales. But in reality everything we do has a personal and local impact and a global impact. If we cut down a tree in our yard and no one hears it does it affect the world? It affects the oxygen, the soil, the shade, the insects, birds, squirrels, . We are all aware that the disappearing rain forests are affecting our oxygen and breathing , but what about our nonsense neighbors cutting down our trees. So too being mindful when we make our selection for purchasing or ingestion of food effects, the store, the cashier, the truck driver, the farm workers, the chemical plant, the soil, the O2 of the earth are all interrelated. Not to mention the immediate effect processed ingredients have on your children. If we could somehow combine the effort to make our home, the way we live and breathe and eat better for us with the overall intent of helping a conservation effort globally wouldn't that be grand.

Lets start with ingredients in what we eat. we are starting to realize that all the stuff that is put in our food and everything else to make it more convenient to go to the big market and purchase it in bulk and packaged, is called preservative or processed. This process firstly makes it no longer natural, secondly, to a large extent has a negative impact on our body and health, and thirdly we are learning this process has a negative impact on our world. In this way there is a direct correlation between how healthy we are and how healthy our world is. If we eat cleaner, live cleaner , become healthier so will our environment.

Lets make an effort to combine our health with that of the world, helping the environment while helping ourselves and that of our families.

This series of blogs and articles  of  "Healthful MD" will involve our health and our world. How we can be healthier and at the same time make the world a better place just by that simple act of making healthier safer choices. Never losing sight of the connection of our personal health choices to those of the earth and conservation.We are inextricably linked with the health of the world. If we do nothing more than become healthier ourselves and for our families this will have a global impact as well. "Small important health decisions can have lasting impact on our planet".
Where do you place health on your priority list and that of your family’s ?  You know the old saying “ without health you have nothing”. Any toast we make is to "health and happiness" as our main wish. But we rarely are paying attention to our health unless we lose it. The KrantzCare goal is to have your physician take the lead in combining your mind, body and medical goals for a better health life. Health First article here.

Latest Better Health information

Recent studies are showing that the quality of your nutrition and that of your child's has a more direct effect on their health and the development of certain diseases. For more on this read further in Food for Health

Below are some of the ways we try to offer comprehensive care:

Family Health Advocate

  • Your personal guide through the healthcare system
  • Assistance in choosing medical, natural, and holistic care
  • Help with family health choices including nutrition, supplements, and exercise.
  • Family Health Coach for “Healthful living!

Stress Out - Mind-Body Connection

We incorporate yoga, meditation, and mindfulness in concert with your medical and nutritional guidance to help you attain your health goals. Improving your mental awareness and reducing stress is important in accomplishing the goal of fitness and health. 

Adventure Sports and Nutrition Center

" Put the fun back in fitness" tm

Innovative programs specifically designed for children and teens: age appropriate nutritional guidance, weight control, exercise and sports coaching, and stress management.

Adult programs designed to maximize health and well being while managing weight through exercise , sports, and nutritional excellence.