
Appointment Center- 305-932-2522

Concierge Pediatric Practice- New member inquiries, appointments, and consultations for Warren Krantz MD.


Health advocacy & second opinions- guidance with your concerns about health care, disease management and prevention.
Nutritional health 
 - Eating for you health including counseling regarding obesity and nutritional healing as well as creating a practical approach to introducing healthy food for your children for a healthy life. 
Exercise - guidance to create a lifestyle of movement, by "putting the fun back in fitness"tm
Parenting & Behavior- experienced common sense approach to raising your children.
General Pediatric problems- allergies, illness, multiple colds. developmental concerns, etc. 
Family Life coach-stress management, problem solving, organizing, motivation, goal setting, handling peer pressure.

Member Appointment finder: Currently unavailable please call

305-932-2522, or Dr Krantz cell for members